Friday, January 2, 2009


It is a new year. So far so great. I have been chilling for 2 weeks with my family, so all seems pretty great now. Life is good, even while the world is in unsure times.
Chad and I planned on going out on New Years Eve, but MJ was sick and couldn't keep anything we stayed home. We ordered in some very yummy food and spent time with the boys. We opened some of those crackers that have toys and hats in them. CR got a whistle and has been wearing it and blowing that thing everywhere and telling everyone he is the coach!
As the NY ball dropped in Times Square, we watched Dick Clark have an uncomfortable kiss with whom I hope is his wife. I am glad that memory is in 2008.

New years 2009 resolutions:

My personal resolution this year (hold on mom, this will make you proud) is to increase my alcohol tolerance. Yep, that is right. I want to be able to go out and have 2 or 3 drinks and not be a wet noodle. I remember the days when I could have a few drinks and be fine.....ever since I had the boys, I am one drink Jenny. So, in 2009, I want to drink more (mom...are you proud?).

Chad wants to learn electronics in 2009. Wow, I am not sure how to respond to that. He wants to build his own amp and pedal.

Our family resolution is to do yoga together at least 4 times a week. So far so good! Another family resolution is to eat very healthy and according to the boys, play more games!

OK, off to do yoga with the family. The fire is burning, the mood music is on, MJ just turned off the lights and closed the blinds....he were come!

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