Saturday, December 12, 2009

Ho Ho Ho!

The boys were very excited to see Santa this year. A little nervous, but mostly excited! Happy holidays!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Happy Fall & Halloween!!

Darth Vader and Superman would like to wish everyone a very Booo-tastic weekend.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

CR and Maggie

CR loves loves loves dogs. Here is a picture of he and Maggie Mae! :-)


MJ lost his first tooth on Saturday. He was very excited! The tooth fairy found her way to our house on Saturday evening also! He lost his tonsils two weeks ago, and now his first tooth....what is next?

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Muddy Buddy '09

Fun Fun Times! See you in the Mud next year~

Monday, July 6, 2009

MJ's Candy Making Party!

MJ had a great birthday and candy making birthday party! Luckily, he still has some of his candy left and hasn't eaten it all! He loved all of his gifts...but his brand new shiny trumpet was his favorite! I can't believe my boy is 5 years old.
This past weekend Chad painted his room as part of his belated birthday gift. He now has a cool space another day!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

MJ's 5th Birthday

Things about you on your 5th Birthday!

-You are strong-willed.

-You adore your brother (and your mom and dad too). But your brother is your best friend for life.

-You do not like being in trouble or being yelled at. It upsets you to your core.

-You have a silly sense of humor.

-You love playing the trumpet

-You can write all your letters (upper and lower)

-You can sound out most words (and can "read" a lot of words)

-You love school and thrive on learning

-You love your family

-You are easy going when it comes to clothes, routines, etc.

-You have a kind heart

-You love love love bugs

-You love your garden and raspberry patch

-You love being outdoors and everything that goes with it (frogs, water, playing, etc.)

-You love playing sports (t-ball,soccer,hockey, basketball, running, etc.)

-You want to be a scientist when you grow up, preferably a scientist that goes to space

-You love art and coloring and writing

-You like your 2-wheeler bike best with training wheels

-You are cautious

-You love to help. You feel like a big boy whenever you help out.

-You love potty humor and all and any potty words

-You talk nonstop

-You are competitive (everything is a race...going to bed, walking up the steps, playing at the park, riding bikes, etc.)

-You go to bed at night easily and happily

-You are imaginative and can make a toy out of anything (stick, string, etc.)

-You love to be messy, wet, gooey, etc. (you never complain when you are any of these things)

-You love playing with your friends, but you are content playing alone too

-You are a healthy eater. You eat all veggies and fruits. You are picky, but mostly like healthy things (and sweets).

-You hate getting your picture taken

-You are always the first person awake in the house (but after you wake me to tell me you are awake, you can now turn the TV on yourself).

-You have a mad crazy out of control sweet tooth! Your 5th B-day party is a candy making party at the "chocolate factory"...go figure!

-You are analytical and logical.

Happy 5th Birthday MJ. I Love you....and yes, you can have cake and ice cream.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Fishing and Frog Catching

We spent a good part of yesterday fishing and frog catching with Gram/grandpa/desi. Boys had a great time.

Monday, June 15, 2009

CR's 3rd Birthday

Can it be true? Are you really 3? You are such a sparkling boy and you make my world better by being a part of it!
Things about you on your 3rd Birthday!

-You love your brother more than anyone or anything in the world. If he is sad, you run across the room to hug him because you "don't want to see him sad". You hug and kiss each other good night every night. You love most things he loves, but you are starting to have more and more of your own opinion (and that is awesome).

-You (still) love the color red. You prefer everything red, and usually demand it (this includes underwear, cups, toys, capes, you name it...)

-You (still) love dogs!

-You (still) love circles.

-You are kind hearted and love to hug and kiss family and friends.
-You are easy going.

-You love superman more than anything that is not your family. Other superheros are cool also, but nothing compares to superman. Thomas and Elmo are still cool, but Superman rules.

-You can spell the letters of your first name.

-You can make a perfect letter "C", and you make them often. You are working on the other letters too!

-You love soda. Y0u choose soda over any other treat or dessert (even over ice cream or milk shakes). You drink it fast and beg for more. Red soda is your favorite (go figure).

-You love to swing on your swing set. The phase, "Mommy, push me up to the SKY" is very common.

-You listen well and have good manners.

-You are not into bugs. If it is smaller than a bunny or a cat, you call for MJ to protect you. You brother Loves bugs and feels good when he can "save you". You did step on an ant yesterday (big step).

-You are funny and giggly and ticklish and all around silly

-You have a smile that lights up a room

-You have a kind heart

-You have the highest pitch voice I think anyone has every heard. I think you speak dog. You only have one volume....full blast! It truly hurts my ears.

-You "sing" your words.

-Your favorite instrument to play is your red electric guitar

-You love to play baseball (catch) and soccer. You can't wait to be on an actual team. You go to all your brothers games/practices and cheer for him.

-You love going to school and playing with all your friends

-You don't like to be barefoot outside

-You are a rule follower. For example, you won't go on your bike without your helmet securely on first. You wont do anything you know you shouldn't do. I love this about you.

-You are a complicated sleeper. You need: tag blanket, elmo, penguin, little red bear, monkey, and about 20 books. You need your unwind time by your self at night. After we read books, you lay in your bed and sing or talk or read books to your guys for at least 30 minutes.

-You prefer to eat exclusively fruit. You are obsessed with raspberries (and any red fruit) You will eat veggies too (but not peas and only if we ask). You are not very into meat, but sometimes you surprise me.

-You love to wrestle with your brother...and play games together, and pal around together, and jump on the bed together, and do everything together.

-You fight with your brother. You don't let anyone push you around if someone has wronged you, they will know about it.

-You are an awesome boy and I love you so so very much.
Happy Birthday CR.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

CR's 3rd Birthday Party!~

CR had a great 3rd birthday party on Saturday at the petting zoo. We were worried that the rain wouldn't stop, but it did and it was actually sunny and nice. He was very excited (MJ was almost as excited). We had a tour of the animals and got to pet and feed a bunch of animals (he and luke decided that they didn't want to touch the snakes and lizards, but they were cool with the turtles, chickens, and larger animals). After hanging out at the zoo (and feeding the horses), we went to the park connected the zoo and played pin the bat on batman, had a superman pinata, and ate superman cupcakes and ice cream. He and 12 of his neighborhood friends had a great time! After the CR's party our neighbors were having parties and we were outside raging all day. Today, the boys were chill.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Thursday, May 21, 2009

CR smiley face~

Yes sir, that's my boy~!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


MJ started T-Ball a few weeks back and is having a great time. It helps that our next-door neighbor is the coach and that there are 5 boys on the team that he knows well. He really looks forward to the practices and games so he can play with his friends and play ball. They are all really good at hitting the ball off the tee and running. They have that down perfectly. They are working on the outfield action now. So far, there have not been any outs in a game. :-) They are having a great time and learning the game and getting exercise and being kids. I really enjoy watching these games and I am so proud! Go cardinals!! CR is such a good little brother. He goes to the games and is so good. He cheers for MJ and yells "Go Brother, Go MJ"! So cute. MJ told him that he would cheer for him when he is bigger and plays on a team!

Monday, May 18, 2009


It has been a while, so I am not sure where to begin. First off, we had a great week long vacation in LA/San Diego. Chad and I both relaxed and didn't worry about work. We started the week with a great visit with Kelsi/Tom/Jack/Dean. MJ and CR loved spending time with the cousins. They are looking forward to seeing them this summer again. MJ liked making mud pies and hiking in the mountains and playing catch. CR like the dog, Kate! Thanks for having us guys!

Next we were off to Disney. WOW, I have never been there before and it was way cool. We only covered about 25% of it, but I would love to go back there. CR loved seeing Mickey and Goofy and going through Mickey's house. MJ loved it also. He went to a Jedi training session and was chosen to go onstage to learn to be a padawan and got to "fight" Darth Vader. It was so cool and MJ keeps talking about it. We also went to SeaWorld. I gotta tell you, that was my favorite. Such a cool place. MJ and CR love penguins, so we did a penguin encounter where we got to go into the exhibit and touch and learn all about the penguins. We all thought it was cool. The dolphin show was awesome too. I really loved that place. We also went to the San Diego Zoo, spent some time at the beach and ocean. Overall, it was a fantastic time. But the best part boys. I don't think they fought or picked at each other the entire time. They shared a twin bed and just had a great time together. I really think that was what made it so great. I am a big believer in getting away. There has been a bunch of other things going on too, but this is the start of catching up!.....

Monday, April 6, 2009

LegoLand Excursion

Last week I took the boys and cousin D to Legoland. I didn't know what to expect, but it was pretty cool. We only had the morning to hang out there. Next time, I will plan on spending all day there.
MJ loves bugs and crawlers. He is most happy when with nature.
CR loved this blue "boat" where he took a red bath of legos.

Hot Lava! AHHHH!

Saturday, April 4, 2009


Some weeks are awesome, some eventful, some normal, some average, some just exist. Few weeks are as bad as last week was. But, I am grateful for my wonderful boys!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I didn't work on Monday or Wednesday of this week. On Monday, the boys ran errands with me. We had to run to the mall for something...we were walking around (OK, the boys were running and chasing and being them) and all of a sudden, MJs eyes get real big and he looked at CR and said THE EASTER BUNNY! They both took off and ran straight to that over sized bunny (who by the way, does not speak). The begged me to get there picture taken with the big bunny. I gave in, of course. MJ asked the Easter Bunny if he was going to bring him a chocolate bar for Easter, and the bunny gave him thumbs up. The boys gave up Chocolate for lent and this has been really hard for them, but I am very proud of them.

In other news, Chad took this picture of MJ this weekend with his new iPhone. It just summarizes MJ. He loves the outdoors and bugs and the soil and digging and gardening. He and my dad planted more raspberry bushes that he will take very good care of. He was digging up worms and making a collection of them in this picture. MJ had a worm collection going and Jesse (next door) had a roley-poley collection. CR just wanted push him on the swing! CR now loves riding his trike. He is good at it and can (sort of) keep up with the bigger kids.
MJ got a vaccination today. He was such a tough guy. Not one tear. So strong and brave. I was proud.