Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Wacky Wild Wednesday's

If someone were to ask me (mind you me, no one has) what my favoriate day of the week might be Wednesday. Why you ask?? Well, I don't ever work on Wednesdays. It is our chill day. Nothing crazy, not a lot of running around....just me and the boys and the endless options. The best days seem to be the days we don't do a darn thing but play outside, read books, color, etc. Now, I like the weekends also...but there always just seems so much to do on the weekends and it is not dedicated to just chill. Monday afternoons are the same dedicated chill. There is a lot of truth to ..... nothing left to do but smile, smile, smile!

That all being said, my folks stopped over today to chill with us. They had been traveling for the past month, so we have missed them. They brought the boys some hip new headware and drums. Check out the photos of my little Indians.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Power Rangers Party!

Well, Yes I am the mom of 2 is true. Today we went to a birthday party for Max (a boy in MJ's class). MJ had a great time! It was a Rower Rangers Party and an actual Power Ranger showed up and delivered the pizza (does it get much better than that)??!!? MJ was extremley shy at first (the apple doesn't fall far from the tree), but eventually warmed up a little bit. It was great and I love meeting all the kids in the class and all of there parents too.

That's all I have tonight. Off to something more real.

Friday, April 18, 2008


So, as I said on some previous griping news-worthy blog...Chad and Joel (aka - BrownWig) recorded last weekend. If you ask me...there doesn't look like a lot of rock and roll right here. It must be a very silent album!

What? Me? I like eggs, and donkeys and my name is Chad, but you can call me bill.

Hi. I am Joel. Too much drums makes my head get smoooccchy.

So, apparently the BrownWig recording went well. Check your local music store for the forthcoming release, or email Chad, or wait for you Christmas present. I like them both. They are nice. There music is pretty neato.
Loopyville is setting in.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Here is a CR first. Monday CR, MJ, and I were in the car. As I often say to them, I said "I Love You Boys"! Usually, within 1 second MJ replies, "I love you toooooo". But not on this sunny afternoon. As soon as I said it, CR (as if he was racing his big brother) said "I love you toooooo"! It was as clear as day. MJ responded with, "this is news daddy will want to hear so lets call him"!

Then on Monday evening, CR and I had a head to head collosion while playing. His teeth hit my forehead at a high velocity. Chad said it made a dull squishy sound. Instantly, CR was bleeding in the mouth. MJ just was jumping around looking for something he could do to help. He and Chad went to get the spiderman ice for CR's head and a washcloth. While I had the ice on CR, MJ went, unpromted, to get me a bandaid for my bleeding forehead. He even opened it for me and put it on the right place.

It is the little things like this that remind me what good hearted boys I have!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Bowling, Worm Soup, and Donkeys...oh my!

Holy cow. Chad is gone recording so the boys and I have been chillin' last night and today. MJ and CR LOVE bowling so, we went to funway today. Cousin D, Nisi, and Mark came too! It was fun...until about the 7th frame. MJ was tired, hungry, and jealous of Cousin D's pretzels (mind you, he had gold fish snacks....but there were NOT her pretzels). He had a temper tantrum and was acting sassy, but I think we overcame it and he and I have some new rules! :-) It is also amazing how one game of bowling (3 children and 3 adults) can last 1.5 hours! MJ is totally independent and wanted to push the ball down the lane all by himself (as long as I came up with him). CR just liked holding the 5 lb ball and let me or cousin D help push it down the lane. It is also totally pure how at ages 1 and 3 all they care about is if the ball knocks over some pins. There was no conception of scoring or winning....just clapping whenever someone gets a pin down. CR cheered everytime a ball was heading down the lane....regardless. Nisi took pixs, and they are forthcoming. Did I really just type for 10 minutes about bowling? I have issues!

After long naps for all, we made worm soup. We took about an hour to create and cut each worm just so. Oh...did I forget to mention that the worm soup was made out of playdoh worms?....probably an important fact. Good eatin's my friends!

Yeah, we have a wooden donkey in our kitchen....doesn't everyone? CR loves it (thanks mr. bosko). The eerie thing about this large wooden rocking donkey is that no matter where you are....the donkey is looking at you. I admit, there have been nights that it has really kind of freaked me out.

Uncle Jake. We heard you had an appendectomy, that does not sound like a good time. The boys added you to there prayer list tonight. Your family is really starting to make prayers go for a looonngg time. Just fooling. We hope you are feeling better and healing well.
Good night.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Hasta La Vista Shag-tastic

The boys finally got hair cuts today. The morning knot on the back of Charlie's head was getting a little too much to bear! They look like such repectable children now (don't let the new do's fool you)! :-)

Not only did the boys get hair cuts, but there dog and frog chia-style pet things got hair cuts too (thank you Cara, the boys totally dig these).

Finally, when the boys said there prayer last night and today, they made sure to say a special "God Bless" for Grandma Karen. We are keeping her in our thoughts and hoping she recovers and is feeling better soon!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Warm Weekend and Sour Cream

It was such an awesome weekend! The weather was warm and sunny and it was in the high 60's. The snow is fun to play in, but the long cold winter really makes you enjoy and appreciate the awesome sring/summer/fall! All the neighbors were outside. Our family seems to be the first ones outside and one of the last ones in at the end of the day. The boys wanted OUT by 8am, but we held off until 9am.

So.. we had tacos for dinner this weekend. MJ tasted his sour cream and said, "this is sour. Mom, do you know how to make sour cream? You take water and sugar and mix it up. Then you add 12 spiders and a caterpillar. Stir it real good and wait for 10 months....then you have sour cream!" He will be a fantastic chef some day!

CR just learned how to say his brothers name this past weekend. He no longer calls him Dot...he now calls his by his real full name, and he says it very clear. It make MJ smile!!!

CR loves the playset. He likes our big one and the old-school small one. If he can climb's awesome!

MJ and Jesse are signed up for a soccer team this summer. They were practicing there shots this weekend. I think they both dig it!

Watch out world, here they come!!! MJ took Jesse for a ride....Oh boy! He doesn't have the steering concept totally down, but he enjoyed the ride!

Yes sir, that's my baby!! Really, the apple does not fall far from the tree. MJ could not act anymore like me if he tried...the good, bad, and ugly!!

Go Cubs, Go Cubs, Go Cubs!!! We are happy it is baseball season again!!!

OK....I could keep going with pixs, but I will stop for today.
Good night.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Today is a Healthy day!!

We are all finally healthy. CR was sick a few weeks back, then MJ was sick over the Easter holiday, and then last weekend I was the sickest I have been in many years. Somehow, Chad seemed to escape the germs of homestead.

I think it is good for parents to get sick every so often..... I was so miserable, I couldn't even get out of bed. It is a good reminder of how the children feel sometimes.

Look at how handsome and precious MJ is while he sleeps. Even when he has a fever and is sound asleep he is sweet!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

This is a first day TEST, this is only a TEST!

So, I am here??? I am really here??