Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I didn't work on Monday or Wednesday of this week. On Monday, the boys ran errands with me. We had to run to the mall for something...we were walking around (OK, the boys were running and chasing and being them) and all of a sudden, MJs eyes get real big and he looked at CR and said THE EASTER BUNNY! They both took off and ran straight to that over sized bunny (who by the way, does not speak). The begged me to get there picture taken with the big bunny. I gave in, of course. MJ asked the Easter Bunny if he was going to bring him a chocolate bar for Easter, and the bunny gave him thumbs up. The boys gave up Chocolate for lent and this has been really hard for them, but I am very proud of them.

In other news, Chad took this picture of MJ this weekend with his new iPhone. It just summarizes MJ. He loves the outdoors and bugs and the soil and digging and gardening. He and my dad planted more raspberry bushes that he will take very good care of. He was digging up worms and making a collection of them in this picture. MJ had a worm collection going and Jesse (next door) had a roley-poley collection. CR just wanted push him on the swing! CR now loves riding his trike. He is good at it and can (sort of) keep up with the bigger kids.
MJ got a vaccination today. He was such a tough guy. Not one tear. So strong and brave. I was proud.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Happy St. Patty's Day! Yes, I have Irish in me and so do my boys. Mom, you would be very proud that MJ insisted that he wear green pants, tee shirt, sweatshirt, hat, etc. (just like his dad did). It had to be ALL green. It was a fantastic day. The boys were at school and had a fun school party. It was 70 degrees this afternoon and we played outside, rode bikes, and played some tag. Yes, it was a fine relaxing day. Thanks St. Patty!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Green Lantern

I was reading CR and MJ a Super friends book this afternoon. The page was talking about the Green Lantern, who's super power is that he protects the world from the dangers from outer space. MJ stops me and says "Why didn't he save the dinosaurs from that thing that came from outer space and made all the dinosaurs die"? Damn he is smart. Yes, it was called a meteor, and well...I am not sure if the Green Lantern was around that many thousands of years ago.

Oh where, oh where did my baby go.....

CR is offically a big kid now. On Monday, his big kid furniture was delivered. Sunday night, Chad took down the crib and the baby furniture and put it all in storage. The boys had a sleep-over in MJ's room, then on Monday....CR got his big boy furniture. I had the wrong lens on the camera, so I couldn't get a good picture of his room, but he is officially big. Then last night....he puked all over everything. Way to break in the new furniture CR! He is still sick today with a fever and the crankies, but no more puke.
MJ is doing well. He started speech 2 weeks ago and is doing great with it. Basically, it sounds like they play Jenga and other games most of the time. He is silly as every and is in a phase where he will not let me take any picutes of him unless he is making a silly face...I am not ammused.