Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Yeah Baby, Yeah Baby, Yeah!

Potty updates. CR has had only one accident since he started wearing big boy pants on Saturday am. Pretty dang good, if you ask me. He wears pull-ups to bed (I might have to get him a big boy bed soon). We are real proud of you CR!

MJ has been a help. Telling CR I will give him things (i.e. candy, gum, cookies, etc.) if he goes on the potty. We did that for MJ, but it was a hard habit to break. We never started those kinds of rewards for CR, and he is just proud of himself.

As I always say, Wednesdays are my favoriate day of the week. The day we don't need to do anything (but of course we do). Today was a chill day. My folks were over and we tilled the garden, helped MJ tie up His raspberry plants, made cookies, played with lincoln logs, colored and glued, played outside, went to the park, went hunting for sticks in the wetland, went for a "long" walk, had a nice dinner with daddy, etc. Nothing earthshaking, but these are the kind of days that I remember growing up. I just remember an overall contentment and relaxation.

Back to the office tomorrow. Good night.

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