Yep, we are dog-siting. Chad is mixing tonight, the boys are fast asleep, I don't feel like doing any chores (they will be there tomorrow), our satellite is not working (no brainless entertainment). So I am sitting in bed with Divot (the dog) and for some reason he wants to lay by my smelly feet (smelly good, not bad) and lick them. Go figure. The boys are having soo much fun watching Divot. I wasn't sure what MJ was going to think of watching Divot.....but he loves it. He has known Divot (Divot is the dog of our neighbor who watches the boys one day a week)for a few years....but usually is pretty luke warm about it. BUT, he is making sure Divot has food and water and treats and plays with him and he and CR fight over walking him, etc. Divot is a celebrity in our home. It is fun.
Soccer Update. MJ had a game last night. He was sooo not into it. The game was at 5pm on a Friday night (school night). His teacher told me he was so tired all day yesterday that he almost fell asleep during lunch. So, as you can imagine, by 5pm he was just cranky and hot and tired and had little interest, and it showed. HOWEVER, today he had a game at 8am. Holy cow...a new child was roaring to go today. He played and ran around the entire game. Very cool to watch. I get so into it...even with Divot and CR in tow. He played goalie for the first quarter and did great. Then he ran hard the rest of the game and kicked the ball a lot. MJ is so much like me where he just doesn't function well without sleep or good food in his tummy. Today's game was cool. After the game all the kids on team United, played at the park for an hour and a half together. It was a very cool morning.
Swimming Update: We took the boys to the pool tonight. MJ is getting much more brave in the water. He needed a few minutes to warm up to the water, but then he was going down the slides and being daring and having a good time. We went in the deeper end of the pool and he was apprehensive, but was cool with it if we held on tight. I think he will like swimming lessons this winter. He wasn't ready last winter when we tried. CR also Loved the water. He likes to "swim". He really does do a good job at swimming. He lays/floats on his tummy in the shallow water and kicks and puts his face n the water. But most importantly he laughs and giggles in his loud CR way and has a great time splashing and exploring. I love watching both MJ and CR's face lite up in during the water play...after all, that is what it is all about.
Side notes: CR really wants to be on the soccer team too. After the game, MJ wanted to take his shin guards and cleats off. CR asked him if he could have a turn wearing them...MJ replied "Of course you can borrow my shin guards and cleats, you are my little brother, and I love you." So sweet.
I asked MJ what the favorite part of today was and he said "during the soccer game, I stopped the ball when I was playing goalie and the boy was BIG. But, it was easy because he wasn't running fast, he was just standing there." He said the worst part of his day was "grandma and grandpa didn't come visit me today or see me play real good at soccer!"
I asked CR what his favorite part of the day was and he replied "PIZZA". We didn't have pizza today or yesterday or the day before, that is just CR's standard response. But then, while I was putting CR to bed tonight, he said "swimming is fun. Lets do again."
We also got a frig from Nisi for our garage today. Wheee, cold beer all the time.....umm, I mean, cold juice boxes for the kids! Thanks Nis.
OK, I should go take Divot for a walk now. He is fast asleep on my bed and growing on me. Sorry Kim, we might have to keep him. :-)
Happy weekend to all and to all a good weekend.