Thursday, July 17, 2008

Happy Birthday to the Jenniest Penniest, JP Coolinest lady around! That is correct. This is an important day for civilization. This is the day that we stop and recognize JP for all the wonderful things she is!

I'll start: Jenny is the best wife and friend a dumb boy like me could ever hope to luck out with. She makes it so all I have to think about is whether I should go to the bathroom or not. And even then, she still reminds me sometimes! Jenny lets me do all those silly, childish things I like to do to keep me from going crazy(er), and she doesn't even think I'm that weird for it (for the record, we're both weird, and everybody else is weirder). She puts everybody's happiness before her own - or maybe a better way to say it is: she takes pleasure in the happiness of those around her, and does an overwhelming amount of life's little stuff to ensure time for the fun things, and sometimes she gets cheated for it. JP - thanks for that, and thanks for being my partner, and thanks for all the emotional support, thanks for teaching me about everything important in life, thanks for not judging me, thanks for helping me be a better person than I was before we met. I love you.

Those kids also told me to say that Jenny Penny (really..."Jenny Penny") is the best mom in the whole wide world. I'll second that; I haven't tried, but I know I couldn't imagine a better mother for my kids...we are the three luckiest rascals in the world to have her as a devoted wife and mother. MJ and CR are happy, healthy, engaged, bold, smart, vibrant, open, compassionate, honest, spirited, and spiritual - and I see Jenny in all of their great qualities.

I don't show my appreciation nearly enough, and for this I'm ashamed. Today, I start to make it right with this small gesture. Tomorrow, I'll continue by calling as soon as I leave work to say, "I've left work" so I don't ruin another dinner. Seems easy enough...Our lives, our family and friends, and our home are all filled with love. Thanks, Jenny, for pouring it on. thick.

I love you, Jenny. Happy Birthday! See you tonight for CAKE!



Happy Birthday Jenny!!

all of us here at Twintales

Mel said...

Happy Birthday on the 17th, Jenny. You were thought of. Sent your card ...late. Loved your visit a couple of weekends ago. Chad - I found a pair of your sox! Mom and Bernie

US said...

Thanks guys. I am lucky to have such a great family!