Saturday, May 31, 2008

Crib Climber

So, this morning we were sleeping in a typical Saturday morning kind of haze. The next thing I know, MJ and CR are standing next to me....giggling. After I jumped from being surprised, I asked the boys how CR got out of his crib. MJ replied in a very proud big brother voice," I helped him and showed him how to climb out of his crib". Oh man, really!!! I guess now that CR is potty trained and climbing out of his crib, I should think about getting him a big-boy bed. He is not even 2 yet...I am not ready, but it looks like he is!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Girls just wanna have fun!

Good to see the girls last night! I had a great time. We need to all get together again soon (maybe not on a Thursday night this time). This morning was a little rough getting up, but I am a trooper and made it!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Memorial Weekend

This past weekend was awesome. We did lots of outside chores on Sat and Sun, but managed to just relax and hang out with the neighbors all day on Monday.

We edged and mulched the front and back yard. Now, our yard is not that big, but dang that was a big job.

MJ is very very into cooking...aka "mom, can I make something"? This is especially cool if he gets to crack eggs (which he is very good at). He says that he wants to be a chef when he grows up, but he is going to grow all his own food and not use chemicals to grow them (where does he get this stuff : -) ). So this weekend, there was pancake making (eggs), muffin making (eggs and a zappa song), and all other kinds of kitchen madness. CR likes to cook also because he is interested in anything his big bro does. He likes to stir and be a helper!

Both boys are also into baseball and basketball. Nothing better than dad playing catch and throwing balls for them to hit. MJ is really starting to get good at it!!

Other news: MJ can count to 100 in English and 10 in spanish. He loves "homework"...working on letters and numbers. He has just been overall easy going lately. He loves to play outside and chew gum.

CR: He pooped 6 times today on the potty. WOW..that is a lot. He loves to swing. He will just sit on the swing for 20+ minutes waiting for someone to push him..."push me, up to the SKY" is one of his common quotes. He can say his entire name (first, middle, and last). He is happy go lucky and loves to laugh and play outside.

Tomorrow night I am having drinks with Sarah and Cara, so no post then. I am heading down to the south side of Chicago tomorrow am..bright and early. Off to sleep now!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Yeah Baby, Yeah Baby, Yeah!

Potty updates. CR has had only one accident since he started wearing big boy pants on Saturday am. Pretty dang good, if you ask me. He wears pull-ups to bed (I might have to get him a big boy bed soon). We are real proud of you CR!

MJ has been a help. Telling CR I will give him things (i.e. candy, gum, cookies, etc.) if he goes on the potty. We did that for MJ, but it was a hard habit to break. We never started those kinds of rewards for CR, and he is just proud of himself.

As I always say, Wednesdays are my favoriate day of the week. The day we don't need to do anything (but of course we do). Today was a chill day. My folks were over and we tilled the garden, helped MJ tie up His raspberry plants, made cookies, played with lincoln logs, colored and glued, played outside, went to the park, went hunting for sticks in the wetland, went for a "long" walk, had a nice dinner with daddy, etc. Nothing earthshaking, but these are the kind of days that I remember growing up. I just remember an overall contentment and relaxation.

Back to the office tomorrow. Good night.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Day 2 and Going STRONG!

Day 2, and no accidents. CR is a potty-rockstar! CR loves MJ sooo much and just wants to do things like him. MJ goes on the potty, CR wants to also! He also doesn't want to get his Mickey Mouse or Superhero underpants wet!

MJ has been such a joy to be around this weekend also. He is listening well, playing great with his friends and brother, and just being his normal silly-self. It is such a relaxing and fulfilling feeling when the boys are acting great!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Be gone you pesky diapers!

It has been a busy week. Chad rocked, I went to a cubs game and drank too much with Cara, Chad drank too much with the neighbor "boys", we went to Jesse's Birthday party (way fun and I was very proud of the MJ's behavior), and we enjoyed the nice weather!

BUT, there was one thing that highlighted this week...CR kept his Micky Mouse underpants dry all day today!!! We were even outside most of the day and running around and during nap and everything. He has been doing an awesome job going on the potty, but I think it just clicked today. That is my big news for the week.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

My Boys

They know me in a way no one else ever has.
They open me to things I never knew existed.
They drive me to insanity
and push me to the depths.
They are the beat of my heart,
pulse of my veins,
and the energy in my soul~
they are my kids.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Movie Review - Speed Racer

Anyone who knows us, knows that Movies just aren't our thing. In the past 10 years we have probably been to 10 movies (the majority have been kids movies). I usually would rather do anything but waste 2 hours and watch a movie. However, since we have had children, we have been trying to be more accepting of movies and opening our eyes and minds to new ideas about movies (this wasn't the movie to do that). So, that being said....we took the boys to the opening night of Speed Racer. My thoughts:

1)Why is any movie more than 1 or 1.5 hours. I have a hard time believing my rear is the only one in the theatre hurting. Is this fun? I loved watching CR squirm. He was acting the exact way I wanted to act.
2)This is a kids movie. Why the flashbacks? Really, do you think they are following this? I can barely follow this (OK, I admit I probably wasn't totally paying attention).
3)Not enough cool music. I wanted more fun speed racer music. Give me something to move to and get my booty shaking.
4)Neat colors, little violence, and very "kid-friendly" topic. Those were the good points.

At the end of the movie, I asked MJ and CR what they thought. MJ replied "Did Speed Racer get the cold milk? I would have gotten chocolate milk." CR said, "Fun"....however I think he just liked the idea of eating popcorn and pixie sticks for dinner. The movie should have stayed a 30 minute cartoon.

This is my first movie review ever. I am so grown-up now.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Elmo Rocks

Yep, I said it..Elmo Rocks..literally. We went to the Elmo Plays Music live opening night performance last night. The boys dug it. We saw all of our furry monster friends. We're still recovering from getting home after 10pm. Every time Elmo left the stage, Charlie would ask "where Elmo go?" Miles played it cool, but thought Cookie Monster was awesome.

Monday, May 5, 2008

The beginning of the end of naps

This weekend was fun, relaxing, and a little crazy. Saturday was Cousin D's First Holy Communion. She looked gorgeous and we were very proud of her! I can't believe how grown-up she is sometimes. The boys got about a 30 minute nap in the car on the way there....that was all folks. They ran around all day and finally broke down around 8pm (not bad considering).

MJ wakes up everyday between 6 and 6:15 am, regardless of when he went to bed. He is a living and breathing alarm clock.

So, Sunday was Chad's birthday (Happy Birthday). We got up and made a cake (a note for later), ran around, put together new patio furniture, played with the neighbors, cooked out, and chilled. No naps for Miles. He broke down around 5:30, but hung on until 8.

I never really gave much thought to the nap to no-nap transition, but is a crazy time! Especially because I have been sooooo spoiled for 4-years. MJ has always been a super napper/sleeper. He loves his bed and he loves to sleep. CR is still a 2+ hour a day napper.
Man, I need a nap after this post. zzzzzzzzzzzz

Thursday, May 1, 2008

I Love You!

CR has really started talking a lot. He actually speaks in sentences now. I don't think there is a word he can't say. Tonight we were getting ready for bedtime and CR said "I Love You, MJ". MJ replied that he love CR too (with a big smile on his face). Then MJ said, "we should put this in his baby book". So funny. Now that CR can talk more, you can really see MJ and CR becoming closer and closer. They fight sometimes, but love each other like brothers!!