MJ turns 4-years old today. I can hardly believe my baby, my little boy is 4! When I put him to bed on his birthday eve, he gave me a kiss and a hug and said "mom, that is the last kiss/hug you will get from me when I am 3. Tomorrow, I will give you a 4-year old hug"! I can hardly wait!!!
Here are a few things about you MJ on your 4th Birthday!!
-He LOVES sweets and gum and candy and cake (apple doesn't fall far from the tree). He will do almost anything for sweets.
-He LOVES his brother. When CR gives him hugs or shares or talks to him, MJ's face just lights up with kindness.
-He loves to cook. He is really good at cracking eggs (he gets no shell in there). The only problem is that he doesn't like to eat eggs. Chad had a grilled cheese and egg sandwich tonight...MJ helped! He loves to bake (with eggs of course).
-He is determined.
-He is silly beyond silly (where does he get that from......chad??).
-He has a slow, shy, true smile that lights up my heart.
-He will climb anything and everything. I think he is part monkey.
-He loves bugs. If it is creepy and crawly, he will touch it or get it. He also loves toads and tadpoles and all small creatures.
-He loves "his" garden. He takes care of it by weeding and watering it. He especially love his raspberry bushes.
-He loves books. He has never said no to story time and he never gets tired of stories.
-He loves getting dirty (water + soil = fun)!
-He knows the difference between soil and dirt (that's my boy)!
-He can write his first and last name well. He can write most of the other letters also.
-He can count to 100 in english and 20 in spanish.
-He loves superheros (although he really doesn't know too much about them)!
-He can care less about clothes or what he wears or how his hair looks. He has zero vanity.
-He rides a 2-wheeler bike well (with training wheels).
-He loves to test, test, test his mom and dad...he pushes to the limits.
-He loves to wrestle and play rough (especailly with the Andreson boys)!
-He loves any and all water play.
-He loves the outdoors and all that goes with it (baseball, climbing trees, going to the park, raging with friends, fishing, etc.)
-He goes to preschool 3 days a week and loves it and learns soooo much.
-He loves to say the opposite and loves to tease.
-He loves to use potty words and end other words with "---head".
-He loves art and creating things. He has fantastic fine motor skills and loves to cut paper.
-He LOVES the trumpet and plays it well (OK, he can play notes...more than I can do).
-He can rock out on the drums, but only when he feels like it being loud.
-He loves to ask why, why, why, why, why, why. He talks from the moment he wakes me up in the morning until the last second before he falls asleep.
-He truly loves his family.
He is my MJ. My first born little boy. He pushes me to my depths and makes me evaluate myself. Thank you MJ for being you. He is so passionate about what he believes to be right. I tell him daily that I love him wiht all of my soul, and I do.