Sunday, June 15, 2008

CR - The Birthday Boy

CRW - 2-Years Old Today!!!!!!!!

CR is 2 today. I love that boy with all my heart and soul. I really think Birthday's mean more to the mommy's of the world. I remember ever second of being pregnant and delivering and of the first 2-years of his life.
On this day: June 15th, 2008 here are a few things about CR:

-He is sick with a fever, bad tummy issues, cold, snuffles, etc.
-He loves his brother more than any love I have ever seen. He adores his dad. He loves the comfort of his mom.

-He loves Elmo and Superheros.

-He loves animals...especially dogs and cats. He is not sure if he loves bugs. Lucky for him MJ loves bugs, so when he sees a bug, he calls for MJ to save the day!

-He loves to swing. He would swing all day long if you let him. A CR common quote is "Push, up to the SKY"!

-He has a free-spirited heart.

-He is honest and true.

-He loves pizza. If you ask him what he wants to eat, 99% of the time he will reply "pizza". He even plays a game called "pizza-man". I have made up a song call "pizza-man" that I sing to him almost every night also. Pizza, who would have thought.

-He loves everything about MJ. He imitates and says everything MJ does. If MJ gets off his chair, so does CR. If MJ says he thinks something is yucky, so does CR. If MJ goes in a time-out, CR follows. His admiration for MJ is heartwarming.

-He likes the color yellow (or at least the word yellow).

-He loves art. He especially likes to make circles.

-He loves school and all of his friends.

-He can count to 10 (but often forgets that pesky number 5).

-He is 100% potty trained.
He is my CR, and I love him. Happy Birthday Baby....I mean 2-year old boy.

Here is a picture of CR today at the school fun fair. He really just wanted to come home and to go to bed. But, he still managed to smile and see all of his friends.

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