Saturday, January 3, 2009

I'm the Daddy Rooster

With all the Christmas gifts the boys received, you would think they would be in new toy heaven. Well, they do enjoy there new gifts, but....CR still wants to be the daddy rooster. Oh, you don't know this game. It goes like this. He takes one of our old laundry wicker baskets with a top. ..he climbs in, then pops out screaming as loud as he can...."cock a doo doo" (he doesn't have the doodle part down yet). Now the laundry basket is actually his egg. You might think it is a nest, but you would be incorrect, it is his egg. Now don't think you can put things like, laundry, in the basket. No, it is his egg and he will put what he wants to in it. And.....when you can't find something (like my wallet) the egg is the best place to look. Yes, CR is inspired to be the daddy rooster. Sometimes MJ will join in on the rooster and egg game, but only if there is another available basket. Don't even think about getting into CR's egg. Oh my....the daddy rooster will not take kindly to that.

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