Monday, January 12, 2009

Weekend Update....

So, MJ and CR started swimming lessons this weekend. MJ did so totally awesome. Last year we tried them, and to say he did not swimming lessons is an understatement (tears, screaming, kicking, etc.). The difference a year makes!!! MJ got in the water and did everything Ms. Morgan asked. He did awesome. He jumped in the pool from the side, floated on his back, kicked, etc. CR also got in the water, but he wasn't listening too well. He is still little, so that is ok...he just likes to play in the water.

The rest of the weekend was great. Fun fair/book fair at school (face painting, games, food, etc.); Friends over Friday night; Sat. night the boys had a fun sleep over at Aunt Nisi's and Chad and I went to Chad's gig and the big sexy winter chili solstice party! Very fun to see all our friends we haven't seen in a long time.

Groovy times.

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