Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Hasta La Vista Shag-tastic

The boys finally got hair cuts today. The morning knot on the back of Charlie's head was getting a little too much to bear! They look like such repectable children now (don't let the new do's fool you)! :-)

Not only did the boys get hair cuts, but there dog and frog chia-style pet things got hair cuts too (thank you Cara, the boys totally dig these).

Finally, when the boys said there prayer last night and today, they made sure to say a special "God Bless" for Grandma Karen. We are keeping her in our thoughts and hoping she recovers and is feeling better soon!



Haircuts look great! Give my nephews a squeeze from me, k?

Unknown said...

I LOVE this computer stuff!!! The haircuts are fantastic, and I'm glad they liked the chia thingies!!! Hugs and Kisses!!! Cara

US said...

Holy crap, really...I don't think anyone but me realizes how remarkable this posting by Cara is! I am floored, but thank you and we love you and most importantly....cyberspace loves and embraces you. Be the web!