Sunday, September 21, 2008


It has been a long week without a post. Let's see, I was in Cleveland Tues and Wednesday this week for work (caught an Indians game Tuesday night). Fall soccer season for MJ is in full swing, so we had practice on Thursday and the season kick-off picnic and stations on Saturday. Go team Crew! Saturday was Kelsi's birthday. Happy Birthday Kelsi! What else....we did a bunch of chores this week. Saturday afternoon and evening we shopped for cars. I am so cheap and I hate spending $ on cars...but my car is on it's last wheel and it is time for a new car for me. We didn't buy anything. I'll sleep on it for a bit and see how I feel. What else????...The boys are great as always. MJ always has a frog in his hand. He takes them everywhere. If not a frog, it is some sort of bug. CR usually prefers to have a ball of some sort in his hands. They are ALL boy! The one thing about my boys, the love each other with there entire heart and soul. Truly, it is not just a mom saying that. When CR wakes up in the am and I go to get him, the first thing he says to me is "where is my brother"? And MJ loves him too. Yesterday, when we were car shopping, CR kept telling me he had to go potty. Now, I need to remind myself that CR is only 2....but I often treat him older because he is potty-trained. Anyways, he had an accident while we were walking around the car lot. MJ took off his shorts and gave CR his spiderman underpants to wear and MJ just went without any undies. I put the wet clothes in my bag and we moved on. To me, that exemplifies brotherly love. Another thing, MJ will tell CR..."good job brother" when CR shows him the pictures he made at school and CR does the same to me. I guess I am just trying to say, I love my boys and I am sure glad the are mine!

Here is a picture of the boys with Otto. MJ got Otto on his 3rd birthday. He is a Beta fish that has lived 15 months in that small fish bowl....and going strong.

Happy week to everyone!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Rainy Weekend Update

Wow...did it rain, and rain, and rain this weekend. Luckily, we did not take on any water and we didn't lose power at all, so our sump pump was working hard. With all the rain, soccer and the other outside events for the weekend were cancelled. So, what I thought was going to be a crazy weekend...turned out to be a semi-chill weekend. Nisi had some water woo's, so Cousin D spent the night with us on Sat. and then all day Sunday. It was way fun having her here. Sat. night we went to the arcade and out for pizza. The boys love it when she reads them stories. Thanks D! Sunday everyone came to our house for dinner to celebrate mom & dads b-day and mom's good health! Chad made steaks, but Chad can't just make steaks....he has to make all the fancy sauces and such that goes with it. He and I make a good team...I don't like to cook so much, so I buy the groceries and clean up. Chad loves to cook, so he does all the fancy cooking! Its a match made in heaven! Now, I haven't eaten steak since I was 18...but I went to the butcher shop to get some fresh steaks. That was an experience. The butcher was trying to be real nice to me and showing me the bloody flesh and asking me how I wanted it, etc. I am sure these are normal questions...but I was about to puke. This isn't where I intended this post to go. So in wrap was great to see Ronnie and Jasmine and My folks and Nisi/Mark/D, etc. Our door is always open, so come on over...Chad loves to cook! I do make good drinks.....

Friday, September 12, 2008


Mom's body scan came back this morning Cancer-Free! No yucky cancer cells lurking in there! Yeah, a good weekend to celebrate!
Happy happy!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree....

The boys were having some rock n' roll time last night. They love to sing "take me out to the ball game." Chad was on drums.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Last night Chad and I (and MJ for a little bit) painted our blue kitchen a new brighter & warmer color. It is called red rock and is between a red and a brown. We all love the color. MJ really really wanted to help!! He did a great job, but then said "mom, this would take for ever to paint allllllll of this blue!" In reality, it only took us 2.5 hours for 2 coats!

Did I mention that CR loves superheros?
Today was picture day at school. I always love getting pictures from school. I love seeing the look in there eyes. But then, I love all picutes of my children.
Go cubs!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Sunday School

We had a nice relaxing weekend. We had a neighborhood birthday party yesterday and tryed to relaxe and enjoy the end of the summer. Ms. Deb had a chocolate fountain, so MJ was in love. CR wanted nothing to do with it....too messy.

Today, MJ started sunday school. He didn't know any of the 12 other children, but he was a trooper. When we picked him up, I asked him if he had fun...he said "yes". I asked him what they did... he said "just sat there and stuff". When we left him they were coloring name tags and playing a game with a ball and I saw the workbooks on the table. I wanted more details, but I just left it at that and we went to brunch. At the resturant, MJ was sitting next to me waiting for his pancakes and he said, "Mom, do you know where God is?" I answered, "Yes, God is in Heaven." MJ said, "God is also in my Heart". Wow. OK, this sunday school thing is a good gig.

Friday, September 5, 2008


A year or so ago, my nephew Jack, was obsessed with the color Red. Now, I will have to ask Kelsi how far the obsession went, but I know that all he wanted to wear was the color red. At the time, Chad and I thought that it was funny and cute and well....a bit odd. Fast forward a year or so, and now I have my own child with a Red obsession. CR Loves red. He likes red underpants, red pants, red get the idea. Now, I can still easily persuade him to wear something non-red if it has something cool on a soccer ball, frog, guitar, etc. BUT, he still really likes wearing red. The only thing he likes more than red is...whatever MJ has on! He always wants to wear what MJ has I buy a lot of matching clothes. This idea of caring about what he wears thing is very new concept to me because MJ never has and never does care about what he wears. He is verrryyy laid back when it comes to clothes, he could care less what it is or even if he has clothes on.

Last night when I was putting CR to bed, I told him it was going to be chilly tomorrow morning. He said "I wear my red coat tomorrow, ok?" Um....he doesn't have a red coat. I guess I know what color coat I need to buy for the winter. If anyone sees red coats anywhere, please advise!

Now, I think that this would be a good Master's Thesis for someone.... but, I have a few theories. Red. The good, common superheros wear red...spiderman, superman, etc. Happy. Red is a happy color. Bright. Maybe there is something to do with the color hues they can see at a young age. Oddness. Maybe CR is just a little silly!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Labor Day Weekend

CR and his neighbor-friend Gino playing together in the bouncy!

We spent our Labor Day Weekend chill style. Well, I did. Saturday Chad painted the looks awesome! Thanks Chad. Sunday we had a neighborhood party that had a big bouncy, water slide, slip n' slide, etc. Very fun . Monday we went to Gram and Gramp Troast's house. The entire Troast family was there and it was very fun. Thanks ma and pa! Last night (Tuesday) chad and I fell asleep watching the Cubs game around 8:30pm....I think the long weekend caught up with us. This isn't much detail, but..that's all I have in me tonight!

MJ and Cousin D playing together. Cousin D likes to give MJ piggy back rides!!

Boys helping me make a pasta salad for the neighborhood picnic. I will let your imagination run regarding what clothing they are wearing below the counter! HeHe!