Sunday, September 7, 2008

Sunday School

We had a nice relaxing weekend. We had a neighborhood birthday party yesterday and tryed to relaxe and enjoy the end of the summer. Ms. Deb had a chocolate fountain, so MJ was in love. CR wanted nothing to do with it....too messy.

Today, MJ started sunday school. He didn't know any of the 12 other children, but he was a trooper. When we picked him up, I asked him if he had fun...he said "yes". I asked him what they did... he said "just sat there and stuff". When we left him they were coloring name tags and playing a game with a ball and I saw the workbooks on the table. I wanted more details, but I just left it at that and we went to brunch. At the resturant, MJ was sitting next to me waiting for his pancakes and he said, "Mom, do you know where God is?" I answered, "Yes, God is in Heaven." MJ said, "God is also in my Heart". Wow. OK, this sunday school thing is a good gig.

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