Christmas was fantastic. I am not sure where to start. Chad and I have both have 2 weeks off of work, so there has been a lot going on. The pre-Christmas was spent baking and playing in the snow and singing Christmas songs. Christmas eve evening we went to church then got everything ready for Santa and his reindeer to come (put the reindeer food outside, leave milk/Juice, and cookies for Santa and of course carrots for the reindeer. We were out of large carrots, but I believe that the reindeer really enjoyed the pile of shredded carrots we left (less chewing necessary).
On Christmas, the MJ got up around 7 am then went and woke up CR. The boys opened the presents sooo slow. They opened one or two, then they wanted to play with them. It ended up taking us hours and spilled into the next day. We then went to G/G Troast's for Christmas dinner with them. The next day we chilled, then we headed for Lafayette, IN for several days there. We had Christmas at the Wiggins Farm, which is always a good time. Then we spent time with G/G Smit and had Christmas there. So many Christmas', so little time. Thank you everyone for everything!
Having a 4 and 2-year old really is magically at Christmas. The only thing I would have changed is CR wouldn't have had pink eye and MJ wouldn't have puked as soon as we got home from Indiana and all the next day or so.
Back to my lounging now.
Merry Christmas to all!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Friday was a snow day...
...the boys school was closed and my work was closed (chad was a trooper and went to work). Of course, the boys wanted to go outside and play as soon as they got up. We were outside raging by 9am. Much to MJ's dismay, it was not packing snow (no frosty), but we made a snow fort, went sledding, played on the snow-filled swing set, cleared the driveway, etc. It was noon and I was ready to pass out in exhaustion, but these kids were still going. Then my 2 boys and the next door neighbor wanted me to pull all 3 of them on the sled at one time. For some reason, I think I am real real strong and spry and that pulling 100+ pounds in the snow is no problem. I almost died. I was so sore that night, I could barely walk. So, when Cousin D and Nisi showed up to make Christmas cookies with us, it was a much needed break for us (me)! It was very fun. I think I enjoy playing in the snow as much, if not more, than the kids! I love snow days. It is just like being a kid again..still.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
AWD and a snowy day
I am thankful.
It has been snowing a lot lately. I am thankful for 1) heat in my car 2)AWD in my car 3)an understanding daycare when you show up late during a snow storm and 4) my wonderful boys who understand that I want to get to them as much as they want me to get there....did I mention how thankful I am for AWD yet??
This is my first AWD vehicle. It is amazing. I can drive without white knuckling it.
I am thankful.
We are supposed to get between 6 and 14 inches of snow tonight. Daycare already closed for tomorrow, so I am off of work too! I hope it is good packing snow! I plan to spend the say sledding, making snowmen and angels, and baking cookies. These are the things I love about winter.
It has been snowing a lot lately. I am thankful for 1) heat in my car 2)AWD in my car 3)an understanding daycare when you show up late during a snow storm and 4) my wonderful boys who understand that I want to get to them as much as they want me to get there....did I mention how thankful I am for AWD yet??
This is my first AWD vehicle. It is amazing. I can drive without white knuckling it.
I am thankful.
We are supposed to get between 6 and 14 inches of snow tonight. Daycare already closed for tomorrow, so I am off of work too! I hope it is good packing snow! I plan to spend the say sledding, making snowmen and angels, and baking cookies. These are the things I love about winter.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Teasing Anyone....
Please read the below by MJ in the most teasing 4-year old voice you can. It goes like this:
MJ: "Hey CR....My brother's a llama, no he is not, he is the cutest girl on the block".
Please read the following in the most high pitched upset 2-year old voice you can:
CR: "Mama, Tell him to STOP"!
CR: "I am not a GIRL"!
Yep. The biggest insult is being called a girl. I am not sure how I feel about that. I keep reminding them that I am a girl, but it doesn't seem to sink in or matter.
MJ: "Hey CR....My brother's a llama, no he is not, he is the cutest girl on the block".
Please read the following in the most high pitched upset 2-year old voice you can:
CR: "Mama, Tell him to STOP"!
CR: "I am not a GIRL"!
Yep. The biggest insult is being called a girl. I am not sure how I feel about that. I keep reminding them that I am a girl, but it doesn't seem to sink in or matter.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
CR and his "fake" tree
CR: "Mama, Our christmas tree is fake.
Me: "Remember when we cut it down from the tree farm? It is a real tree."
CR: "It don't have a mouth and it doesn't talk, so it is a fake tree"
His mind trying to figure out what is real and what is not real. Things that "talk" are real.
Me: "Remember when we cut it down from the tree farm? It is a real tree."
CR: "It don't have a mouth and it doesn't talk, so it is a fake tree"
His mind trying to figure out what is real and what is not real. Things that "talk" are real.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
MJ's Word
I went to wake MJ up Friday for school. He looked at me and said (in his tired voice), "mom, you are not the best mom in the world". I felt my heart sink and I was trying to figure out what to say when he said, "your the best mom in the universe"! Those words carried me through the day! Thanks buddy.
Monday, December 1, 2008
The Excitement of the Seasons!
Can't you hear the boys saying "run, so mom can't get a picture of us together!" Actually, they were just excited to play in the snow!
MJ about to throw another snowball at me. Why is it so much fun to get mom with snowballs?
Last night we got our first measurable snowfall of the season. I would guess we received about 6 inches of snow overnight. This morning Chad had left for work already and I hopped in the shower while the boys were still sleeping (after going downstairs to get a cup of coffee of course). I glanced outside and saw all the white snow, then I turned up the heat. While I was half way through my shower, the curtain flew open, and MJ was standing there and his eyes were as big as snowballs and his face was full of pure child excitement! MJ said "MOM, you gotta get out here and see this!" I quickly realized that my hair wasn't going to get conditioned today and my legs will have to wait until tomorrow. I jumped out and threw on a robe...MJ was starring outside at all the snow. Then he said, this was news CR would want to know. He ran to CR's room (as I hurried to get dress) and woke him to tell him the wonderful news that the snow has fallen. CR emerged from his room a few minutes later with MJ. This time CR says "come on...I show you something". He pointed to the snow and his eyes were twinkling and he said "we can make a frosty the snowman???" Yes, this is what the seasons are about. As each season begins, so does a new and renewed level of excitement for life and nature and a simple reminder that yes, it really is the small things. We went outside for about an hour this morning and the boys "helped" me shovel the driveway. I anticipate more snow play this afternoon.
Happy snowfall to all, and to all a great day!
Last night we got our first measurable snowfall of the season. I would guess we received about 6 inches of snow overnight. This morning Chad had left for work already and I hopped in the shower while the boys were still sleeping (after going downstairs to get a cup of coffee of course). I glanced outside and saw all the white snow, then I turned up the heat. While I was half way through my shower, the curtain flew open, and MJ was standing there and his eyes were as big as snowballs and his face was full of pure child excitement! MJ said "MOM, you gotta get out here and see this!" I quickly realized that my hair wasn't going to get conditioned today and my legs will have to wait until tomorrow. I jumped out and threw on a robe...MJ was starring outside at all the snow. Then he said, this was news CR would want to know. He ran to CR's room (as I hurried to get dress) and woke him to tell him the wonderful news that the snow has fallen. CR emerged from his room a few minutes later with MJ. This time CR says "come on...I show you something". He pointed to the snow and his eyes were twinkling and he said "we can make a frosty the snowman???" Yes, this is what the seasons are about. As each season begins, so does a new and renewed level of excitement for life and nature and a simple reminder that yes, it really is the small things. We went outside for about an hour this morning and the boys "helped" me shovel the driveway. I anticipate more snow play this afternoon.
Happy snowfall to all, and to all a great day!
Christmas Tree
Yesterday we went to the Christmas Tree Farm and picked out our Christmas Tree. MJ helped Chad cut down the tree and CR held onto Chad to "make sure he was ok". It was fun. When we got home we decorated the tree and chilled the rest of the day. Happy Christmas Season to all and to all a Merry Christmas!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Electric Parade..confessions of a parade lover...
We all have things about ourselves that we don't advertise. Well, one of my traits is that I love parades. I love watching them on television (the Macy's Day thanksgiving is the best), I love seeing them in person, and I love the idea behind them. SO, now you all know. I said it...I love parades. So, will understand how much I love the Christmas Electric Parade. It is a parade at night where there are marching bands, lite up floats, music, reindeer, etc. We bring hot chocolate and kick off the Christmas season! Nothing left to do, but smile and eat too much pizza at mom/dad's afterwards! This was our Saturday afternoon/evening!!!
The boys and Cousin D at the Parade!!
Thankfull Thanksgiving
It is obvious, but sometimes it still needs to be said...I am most thankful for my family! At sunday school, they asked the children what they were most thankful for and without hesitation, MJ answered my brother. That is what thanksgiving is all
Chad and the boys...playing some cards. I think my grandma had me playing cards around 3 years old also!
We had a great thanksgiving weekend. Where to start? Tuesday night we packed up the boys and the car and we headed to Indiana for a long weekend. We stayed there until Friday night (thanks G/G Smit)! The boys were riled up when we got there and didn't crash until the wee hours of the am. Wednesday we chilled at G/G Smits house. MJ got to the steer and drive the tractor with Grandpa and he thought that was way cool. MJ and CR also went with Grandpa to feed the foxes (much to CR's dismay that the fox eats dog food). CR spent most of the weekend chasing the 3 dogs around the house (he loves "the little one"). We just spent the day hanging out and catching up with Grandma. Wednesday night, I ran to the store and Chad put the boys to bed. He let the boys sleep in the same bed for the first time. CR not only got to sleep with his brother, but also in a big bed. Pretty cool...until they woke up in the middle of the night and Chad had to sleep with them both. We didn't do that again, but they thought it was very cool.
Thursday we spent the am at G/G Smits house, but then went to Great G/G Wiggins on the farm for the afternoon. We had a great meal and spent a lot of time catching up with everyone. The boys loved seeing there uncles Jake and Nate, Grandma Karen and Grandpa Ron, and everyone else too!
Friday morning I had great plans to get up early and go shopping....however the warm bed and snuggling with MJ kept me in bed instead! Instead, Grandma was kind enough to watch the boys for Chad and I while we went out shopping later in them morning! It was great and we got a lot done. The boys enjoyed there alone time with Grandma (MJ talked her into making cookies)!
Friday at bedtime, we piled the sleepy boys into the cars and came home! It was a great trip and we should do it more often!
As I was looking through my pictures I realized that I didn't have a picture of Grandma or Grandpa Smit. I could have sworn I took pictures of Grandpa and the boys on the tractor and of Grandma Smit reading the boys books before nap...I guess they are just pictures in my memories. Next time, I need to get more photos. For now, here are some "real" pictures from our trip:
Chad and the boys...playing some cards. I think my grandma had me playing cards around 3 years old also!
The Wiggins the boys know them: Grandma Karen, Uncle Nate, Uncle Jake, and Grandpa Ron.
Family. Great Grandma, Chad and the boys, Grandpa Ron, and Great Grandpa.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Santa Claus Visit
I have a special in with Santa Claus, and therefore I knew where he would be today. The boys were excited that I am in the "in" with Santa. We went to see him today (I like to do this before Thanksgiving to avoid the crowds). We still had to wait in a 30+ minute line, but they had cool things to check out as we progressed in line (Polar Express). So, when it was our turn....oh my...they got all excited. Seeing the excitement in there eyes is worth the world to me. The boys sat on Santa's lap and talked for a bit. MJ told Santa he wants a Pixo and CR told Santa he wants wooden Thomas the train tracks. All was good in the world at that moment. Then.....we were in the car driving home, it was quite, and CR is this sad and unknowing voice said "Santa didn't give me my train tracks". Oops...I didn't explain to him that he wouldn't get the gift today, and that you just tell Santa today what you want and he will bring it on Christmas eve, if you are nice. He got over it quick as he fell asleep.
We also finally sold my old car today! Yeah, finally!
Happy weekend!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Things and Such
Last night I got home a little late, so Chad made the boys dinner before he headed off for Rock (he has a gig Sunday night, if anyone is interested). He made Ham for dinner (with beans, pears, mashed spuds, and raspberries). MJ ate more ham then I have ever seen one person eat. I don't think he could even taste it he inhaled it so fast. Really, where did this meat-lover come from? He likes to tease me about it also...go figure!
CR is a silly bird also. For some reason, he thinks the only way he can dance is 1) if naked or 2) if he pulls his pant legs all the way up to his thighs and his sleeves as high up as they go. Only then can he get his groove on.
Brotherly Love: This morning, MJ found a nickel on the ground and I told him he can have it. The boys think money is really cool these days. Later I noticed he gave his nickel to CR. MJ said, "Mom, you know why I gave the nickel to CR? Because I have more money in my piggy bank than him, and I want him to go to college some day too!" I almost cried it was so sweet. I guess me discussing the importance of college since he was an infant has sunk in. MJ wants to either be a scientist or be the first man that goes to mercury. CR wants to play for the CUBS. Both want to live together in college and go where mom and dad went (NIU)!
CR is a silly bird also. For some reason, he thinks the only way he can dance is 1) if naked or 2) if he pulls his pant legs all the way up to his thighs and his sleeves as high up as they go. Only then can he get his groove on.
Brotherly Love: This morning, MJ found a nickel on the ground and I told him he can have it. The boys think money is really cool these days. Later I noticed he gave his nickel to CR. MJ said, "Mom, you know why I gave the nickel to CR? Because I have more money in my piggy bank than him, and I want him to go to college some day too!" I almost cried it was so sweet. I guess me discussing the importance of college since he was an infant has sunk in. MJ wants to either be a scientist or be the first man that goes to mercury. CR wants to play for the CUBS. Both want to live together in college and go where mom and dad went (NIU)!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Happy Birthday Cara!
Happy Birthday to you.
You live in a zoo (literally).
You like like a rock star.
and you sound like one too.
We love you Cara!
J, C, M, C
You live in a zoo (literally).
You like like a rock star.
and you sound like one too.
We love you Cara!
J, C, M, C
Monday, November 10, 2008
One last fishing trip....
My dad took us fishing one last time this fall season the other day. The boys liked playing with the worms (especially MJ) and the minnows the best! The fish weren't biting at first, then the truck came to stock the pond...oh yeah! The boys thought watching that was cool.
All else is groovy in our world. MJ started basketball. Work and life are going and groovin'. Ronnie was around this week. The boys always love Uncle Ronnie time! We need more. Had dinner at ma/pa's on Sunday. Cara came over on Saturday night. We need more Cara time too! Just enjoying the fall and getting ready to hibernate for a few months.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Cross-eyed MJ
Chad taught MJ how to make his eyes cross by putting one finger up at arm length away, starring at it, then slowly bringing it to your face.
MJ thought it was hilarious (as we all did).
CR was not into trying that silly immature trick.
How can you look at this picture and not laugh?
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Final Soccer Day - Fall 2008
We have had soccer every Thursday and Saturday since June. MJ loves it. This was the final game and ceremony of the Fall season. Basketball starts next week!
MJ played the best, most aggressive and team-oriented, game he has played since June. He is starting to get more comfortable and confident. I love that all the kids on his team are 4 or 5 yrs old and they truly do not pay attention to who makes goals or wins. They are happy to just be hanging out with there friends.
Picture 1)James and MJ play hard.
Picture 2)Jesse and MJ show there trophies!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Halloween - Super Powers Activate!
I was very safe on Halloween. I had a red power ranger and superman living in my house and vowing to protect me to the end of time. I no longer have any worries in life! No ghost or beast or goblin or warrior could harm me when the duo team of the red power ranger and superman were protecting me!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Dreamy Love...
When I was pregnant with MJ, I had these ideas that our life would be perfect. When I was pregnant with CR, I thought that MJ and CR would Never fight. As most parents know, those idealism's of perfection do not always turn out exactly how you plan. There is not a single doubt in my mind that my boys love each other every second of the day, but sure...they fight and tease sometimes. But, not this morning. They were so fantastic to each other this morning, it was like a dream. MJ was reading CR books , they teamed up to play a trick on me, MJ got CR a band aid and put it on his finger for him, instead of racing down the stairs and someone "losing" (and it is usually CR) they held hands and decided to tie walking down the stairs this morning, and this seemed to go on most of the day. How do I duplicate today? I will remember all the sweetness they oozed today......soo much oozy goodness.
Now, when I say WE, you all can stop with the Chicago Acorn multiple voting jokes. WE included me and the boys. The boys have heard Chad and I and others talking a lot over the past month about who we are going to vote for and why. Quite honestly, I would like to cast my vote for a do-over and pick 2 new candidates. But, I know that is not realistic so I had to do what my heart said would be the best for my children.
I let the boys push all the buttons on the electronic ballot. MJ got to choose the presidential choose (he thought that was cool). They took turns on the other "less important" elections. was time to submit the ballot. They both had this crazy excitement in there eyes (ok, maybe it was me saying things like.."this is it boys. our vote for the next president of the USA. this is big. are we ready?") Then the pressed the submit button. I felt like balloons and streamers should fall from the ceiling, but they settled for an I VOTED sticker.
It was a little history in the making. Last time we voted for a presidential election, CR was not born and MJ was a few months old. I remember holding him as he slept.
And I love early voting!
I let the boys push all the buttons on the electronic ballot. MJ got to choose the presidential choose (he thought that was cool). They took turns on the other "less important" elections. was time to submit the ballot. They both had this crazy excitement in there eyes (ok, maybe it was me saying things like.."this is it boys. our vote for the next president of the USA. this is big. are we ready?") Then the pressed the submit button. I felt like balloons and streamers should fall from the ceiling, but they settled for an I VOTED sticker.
It was a little history in the making. Last time we voted for a presidential election, CR was not born and MJ was a few months old. I remember holding him as he slept.
And I love early voting!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
This week.
Today was a nice fall day. This morning we had a soccer game for MJ, and it was quite chilly. It was actually the wind that made it seems so cold. However, none of the soccer players complained at all. They are a bunch of troopers! It rained a lot last night, so they spread out a bunch of hay on the field (yes, we live in a small town). I think the kids (especially MJ) were more excited about all the hay than anything! Right after soccer we went to the fall festival at the boys school. MJ was sooooooooooo excited that he got his pace painted like the red power ranger from operation overdrive. CR was cool with just getting a tattoo on his face and was more interested in painting a pumpkin! It was a fun day. This afternoon we chilled and spent time outside and did some grocery shopping and then had yummy tacos for dinner. On a side note: my birthday dinner since I was a kid was always tacos. When I met chad, he was eating about one meal a day...about 5 times a week...and seriously, it was always tacos. Love at first taco! So, now both of my boys are taco lovers and beg that we have them. They continue to make me proud!
The rest of the week was ok. Chad was in NYC for a bit. MJ had a bad fever/cold and CR had a cold too. They both missed 2 days of school, but I think it was good for them. They are feeling much stronger now.
We carved pumpkins. CR had no interest in it whatsoever. He was not going to put his hand in that pumpkin and really just thought the red plastic table cloth I put on the table was cool to play under! He told me he wanted a superman pumpkin and that was that. MJ was more into it by far. He had been begging me to carve the pumpkins. Finally, I gave in and a bit early because they are already getting a bit squishy. He liked it but, he said "this is much hard than I thought it was going to be." He was referring to cleaning out all the inside guts and then actually cutting the pumpkins. He thought it was cool though!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Fly-by nights and Pumpkins
Has another week really gone by? I wish I could make time slow down. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know.
This past week was good, with mostly the usual happenings. CR had a 12 hour fever, we had soccer practice and games, wednesday spent with G/G Troast, painted pumpkins, rode rides at the fly-by-night pumpkin patch, and a lot of other normal stuff. How is this for an exciting post!
One side note for MJ and CR later in life: When we were at the fly-by-night pumpkin patch festival, MJ saw this turning ride that went high up in the air. After my 4-year old begged me and Chad agreed and I put my better judgement aside, all 4 of us hop onto this ride. Yeah, within 5 seconds of it starting, both boys were screaming, and I wasn't thirlled either. The carni-man slowed it down for a few more spins, then let us off after Chad's plea. MJ and CR (and me) did not like that. There it is, I am not a carnival ride lover...or even liker. They make my head hurt and well, dang it, I am an adult and I don't have to go on them!! So, my sweet boys, I hope that todays ride didn't ruin you and damper your desire to go on rides in the future. :-) They did have fun after that on more age-appropriate rides!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Happy Hayride!
Sunday was a gorgeous Indian summer day, I did lots of yard work and the boys actually played in the water! Chad was a little tired because he had a gig on Saturday night, but he was a trooper. I think the next time Chad has a gig (sometime in pending) we should all go and see him!! More details later.
So, on Sunday morning we had our annual neighborhood hayride and bonfire. We normally have about 10 families, this year it was only 4 families. We still had a great time, although the bonfire was a bit hot on a sunny 80 degree day! :-) Here are some pixs:
We are family...
Ever wonder where CR gets his cheesy smile from?
How can a scarecrow be so darn handsome? He was trying to scare the birds!
Our friends!
So, on Sunday morning we had our annual neighborhood hayride and bonfire. We normally have about 10 families, this year it was only 4 families. We still had a great time, although the bonfire was a bit hot on a sunny 80 degree day! :-) Here are some pixs:
We are family...
Ever wonder where CR gets his cheesy smile from?
How can a scarecrow be so darn handsome? He was trying to scare the birds!
Our friends!
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