Thursday, October 9, 2008


Sometimes I forget how my small boys can love so much. They don't just love us (mom, dad, brothers, etc.), they love comfort, and happiness, and consistency, and smiles, and warmth, and all that makes them feel whole and loved. For my sweet CR, all of these characteristics reside in his stuffed Elmo. I inadvertently left Elmo in his cubby at school tonight when I picked him up because we were rushing to get MJ to his soccer practice. Tonight, CR was in his crib slowly sobbing for his Elmo. He begged me to go back to school and get Elmo (believe me, if I could get into school, i would go get it). He has slept with Elmo every night for the past 1+ years. To him, this really is important and takes away his comfort. I rocked him for a while until he was almost asleep, but then he sobbed again. So, I gave him the sock monkey that Uncle Ronnie gave me for my birthday (thanks Ronnie)...some how having something of mommy's in there, seemed to make him feel better. Sorry CR, I promise to never forget Elmo again.

CR getting hugs from sock is not Elmo, but it seemed to do the trick.

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