Thursday, October 9, 2008

Politics - In the eyes of a 4 and 2 year old

Hi all! Again, it has been a while. Chad was out of town part of last week and all weekend, so blogging was pushed to the back burner. All is well and October is busy and exciting.

SO, on Tuesday night Chad was gigging. I put the boys to bed and grabbed a bowl of cereal to watch the presidential debates. MJ wasn't asleep yet, and snuck downstairs (he said to keep me company while I ate dinner). He and I watched part of the debate together and he had so many questions, it was awesome! He instantly asked "mom, do we like the young blacked skinned guy or the old white skinned guy"? WOW. Children really pick up on the differences. I explained to him that we live in the United States of America and that everyone gets to vote for who they want to run our country and the one with the most votes wins! Then he asked me who mommy and daddy were going to vote for. I told him President Obama! He asked "why him"? Another profound question. So, in as simple terms as I could, I explained that I had to look deep into myself and evaluate what was important to me and who I believe would make this country the best place for my boys to grow up in, and I believe that would be Obama. MJ agrees. Then we worked on MJ's pronunciation of Barack Obama.

The yesterday I was driving with the boys and MJ was telling CR about how they are going to go with me to vote and how important it is. CR asked, "Mommy, you vote for Elmo"? Then MJ said, if "Elmo was running, would you vote for him?" Another 30 minute conversation.

I love that the boys are getting into this and understand the importance of our decisions. Most importantly, the point that I tried to get across is tolerance and acceptance. That yes, we have a voice that needs to be heard. However, if the majority of America thinks McCain should run the country....then that is OK and we will accept that and make the best of the next 4 years.

Everyone, please vote...and take your children with you.

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